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Feel the freedom of your best ride

Horses     reveal  so much   about us,  especially things we are unaware of.  They  seem to hear our thoughts, watch our body language,   and  pick up the  fears we try to hide and also  the happiness and joy we feel inside.  How can we use this wonderful ability  to improve our relationship with our horse?   Horses love congruency.  The more congruent we are,  being  honest and true with ourselves the better our communication  will be.   The challenge here is that sometimes we don’t even know how we are feeling, we just feel off.  We may be  distracted,  finding it  difficult to center ourselves into our body and our  great power.  And  of course, congruency is not possible at all times,  we are complex human beings and sometimes we have ambivalent feelings.  This is normal.

So what to do? It doesn’t help a lot to try to disguise our fears.  Our horses will know and wonder what they should be afraid of.  They may start  looking around for the gremlin or  get spooky  falling into fight or flight.  A better way is to learn  to really understand our worries, accept them as normal and process them with ourselves.    Then we can move into a stronger more aware state of mind.  By exploring  our true feelings,  we have the power to  transform them. This is like  cleaning out a cluttered closet.  We  discover  what is in there,  examining  each thing  to determine what we want to do with it all.   Then things start to change inside for us.  Fear and nervousness can be reframed into excitement, challenge  or anticipation.  Perhaps we  shied away from something and we now say, “Bring it.”

Fortunately we can seek support to make this happen.  There are  tools available for us.  Hypnotherapy offers a way to reach and communicate with our unconscious mind  where    worries tend to hide away.   A good coach can help us find a path to the source of  our  struggle.  Be open to exploring  your fears and challenges, your hopes and dreams.  It is time for spring cleaning  those closets filled with  things we no longer need. Summer is approaching.    Let’s have a great riding season as we   center ourselves in our power and  create magic with our horses.


Playing in the sun.....


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About mbjoy

I believe that people have the power to achieve great things. In fact I know this. I also know that life has its moments when we get overwhelmed. These are times when we need support, creative ideas and someone to listen. This is what I do.


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1 Awesome Comments So Far

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  1. Lori S.
    September 26, 2014 at 11:32 pm #

    Mary has helped me so much in understanding myself and my horse. I am calmer and know how to work with myself as I also manage my horse. This prevents the negative spiral from happening. Thank you Mary for helping us become better partners in trust!

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